30 Best Bleach Anime Ending Songs

Otakukan Team
24 Min Read

The opening theme song for the anime Bleach is an energizing rock tune that always brings back fond memories whenever I hear it. But the closing credit songs are also fantastic in their own right.

From established artists like YUI to up-and-coming talents such as Aimer, these melodies pack a powerful emotional punch. It’s almost like getting sliced by Ichigo Kurosaki’s devastating Getsuga Tenshou attack!

So many great ending themes have been featured in Bleach over the years. I want to highlight just a few of my personal favorites:

Best Bleach Anime Ending Songs

  1. Rie Fu – Life is Like a Boat (Episodes 1-13)
  2. Home Made Kazoku – Thank You!! (Episodes 14-25)
  3. Younha – Hōkiboshi (ほうき星, Comet) (Episodes 26-38)
  4. Skoop On Somebody – Happypeople (Episodes 39-51)
  5. YUI – Life (Episodes 52-63)
  6. SunSet Swish – My Pace (Episodes 64-74)
  7. Ikimono-Gakari – Hanabi (花火, Fireworks) (Episodes 75-86)
  8. Takacha – Movin!! (Episodes 87-97)
  9. JUNE – Baby It’s You (Episodes 98-109)
  10. Mai Hoshimura – Sakura Biyori (桜日和, Cherry Blossom Weather) (Episodes 110-120)
  11. OreSkaBand – Tsumasaki (爪先, Tiptoe) (Episodes 121-131)
  12. Chatmonchy – Daidai (橙, Bitter Orange) (Episodes 132-143)
  13. Kosuke Atari – Tane wo Maku Hibi (種をまく日々, The Days When Seeds are Scattered) (Episodes 144-153)
  14. RSP – Kansha (感謝。, Appreciation.) (Episodes 154-167)
  15. Lil’B – Orange (Episodes 168-179)
  16. Pe’zmoku – Gallop (Episodes 180-189)
  17. Stereopony – Hitohira no Hanabira (ヒトヒラのハナビラ, A Single Petal Piece) (Episodes 190-201)
  18. Shion Tsuji – Sky Chord ~Otona ni Naru Kimi e~ (Sky Chord 〜大人になる君へ〜, Sky Chord 〜To The Adult You〜) (Episodes 202-214)
  19. Sambomaster – Kimi wo Mamotte, Kimi wo Aishite (君を守って君を愛して, I Protect You, I Love You) (Episodes 215-229)
  20. Kenichi Asai – Mad Surfer (Episodes 230-242)
  21. SunSet Swish – Sakurabito (さくらびと, Cherry Blossom’s Man) (Episodes 243-255)
  22. RSP – Tabidatsu Kimi e (旅立つキミへ, Beginning Your Journey) (Episodes 256-265)
  23. DIGGY-MO’ – Stay Beautiful (Episodes 266-278)
  24. universe – echoes (Episodes 279-291)
  25. SPYAIR – Last Moment (Episodes 292-303)
  26. ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D – Song For… (Episodes 304-316)
  27. fumika – Aoi Tori (アオイトリ, Blue Bird) (Episodes 317-329)
  28. UNLIMITS – Haruka Kanata (ハルカカナタ, Far Away) (Episodes 330-342)
  29. Aimer – Re:pray (Epiodes 343-354)
  30. Aqua Timez – MASK (Episodes 355-366)
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After 360 episodes, Bleach treated fans to a veritable soundtrack of catchy and poignant ending themes. From upbeat rock anthems to slow ballads, the songs complemented each episode’s action, drama, and emotion.

Though it was challenging to narrow down, these 30 ending songs represent some of the most iconic and impactful music featured in the show.

As we look back fondly on the story of Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends, these melodies will continue conjuring nostalgia and connecting us to the characters and moments we love.

The creativity and variety of musical styles prove that Bleach knew how to end each installment on the right note. For devoted fans, these endings will forever be the exclamation points to our favorite scenes and battles.

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