In the beloved fantasy anime Inuyasha, the monk Miroku provides comic relief and sage wisdom in equal measure. As a strong warrior plagued by a family curse, Miroku often confronts adversity with levity and smooth-talking charm. His carefree personality allows him to toss off amusing quips, while his spiritual training gives perspective on life’s deeper meaning.
Throughout his adventures with Inuyasha and friends, Miroku unleashes many iconic and insightful quotes perfect for different situations. Though often used humorously, Miroku’s lines can be surprisingly profound.
His flirtatious pick-up lines mask honesty about human connections. His dramatics highlight essential principles. Even apparent nonsense ties back to Buddhist philosophies.
Here, I have collected the most memorable Miroku quotes that exemplify his cheeky charisma, flesh out his outlook, or provide his comrades with timely advice to overcome obstacles.
Best Miroku quotes
1. What good is this cursed hand if I can’t protect the woman I love?
2. I must find a place to pawn this off.
3. “While stomping on Inuyasha, Lay down, be silent, sleep, rest, sleep… how many times do I have to tell you…
4. This may surprise me, but I’m a sore loser. Miroku
5. You’re a real sight for sore eyes. to Kagome
6. Life itself is a frightening image for every human being… being strong in life isn’t easy. -Miroku