Kuroshitsuji, also known as Black Butler, is a manga written and illustrated by Yana Toboso. The anime adaption produced by A-1 Pictures aired from October 2008 to March 2009. A second season it was aired in 2010, spanning 12 episodes with two new main characters, Alois Trancy and Claude Faustus, following the aftermath of the first year.
This series had an original narrative and didn’t feature manga content. A third anime series, Named Black Butler: Book of Circus, was broadcast between July and September 2014. A two-part theatrical original video cartoon (OVA) titled Black Butler: Book of Murder screened in Japanese theatres in October and November 2014.
A live-action movie adaptation was released in Japan in January 2014. An animated movie for the show, titled Dark Butler: Book of the Atlantic, premiered in Japan in January 2017.
So, just in case, if you wish to watch Kuroshitsuji, then follow the Black Butler Watch Order below.
How to Watch Black Butler in Chronological Order
1. Black Butler
- Title: Kuroshitsuji
- Original Run: Oct 3, 2008 – Mar 27, 2009
- Episodes: 24
2. Black Butler Special
- Title: Kuroshitsuji: Sono Shitsuji, Kougyou
- Release Date: Sep 30, 2009
- Episodes: 1 (Special)
3. Black Butler II
- Title: Kuroshitsuji II
- Original Run: Jul 2 – Sep 17, 2010
- Episodes: 12
4. Black Butler II Specials
- Title: Kuroshitsuji II Specials
- Release Date: Oct 27, 2010 – May 25, 2011
- Episodes: 6 (Special)
5. Black Butler: Book of Circus
- Title: Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
- Original Run: Jul 11 – Sep 12, 2014
- Episodes: 10
6. Black Butler: Book of Murder
- Title: Kuroshitsuji: Book of Murder
- Original Run: Jan 28 – Feb 25, 2015
- Episodes: 2 (OVA)
7. Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic
- Title: Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic
- Release Date: Jan 21, 2017
- Episodes: 1 (Movie)