‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ Brings New Evidence of Cell’s Return

By Jay
1 Min Read

New Dragon Ball model toys may have hinted at Cell’s return in the upcoming film. Despite being just franchise toys, without making any connections to the movie explicit, they feature Super Saiyan Gohan in his purple kimono and Piccolo’s “Unlocked Potential”. Both versions will be in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

These toys may or may not have any relation to the film. Below you can see that they’re from Yardrat and Cell’s first form.

The Movie is Set to Release on June 11 in Japan, which was announced recently.

With their capes swinging, Gama 1 and Gama 2 can be seen striking some amazing poses! Also, there are some new original characters that we’ll have to wait and find out more about, no matter how difficult that might be!

Gohan is wearing a uniform and seems to be preparing for battle. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Pan are also on stage with him.

The movie’s plot will take place after the events of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, after the defeat of the legendary Super Saiyan by Gogeta.

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes