Genshiken Watch Order 2024

By Jay
2 Min Read

Genshiken is a great anime. It’s funny, relatable, and has some great characters. The plot follows a group of friends who are all members of the same college club, Genshiken, dedicated to otaku culture.

One of the things I like about this anime is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The creators are fans of otaku culture and are unafraid to make fun of it. This makes for some hilarious moments, especially when the main character, Saki, tries to act “normal” and fails miserably.

The characters are also very relatable and likable. Even though they’re all nerds, they each have their distinct personalities. Ogiue is the tough one, Hato is the shy one, Kuchiki is the cool one, etc. And despite their differences, they’re all still friends and support each other through thick and thin.

Overall, Genshiken is a great anime that’s worth watching. If you’re a fan of otaku culture or just looking for a good laugh, this show is definitely for you! So lets check out Genshiken Watch Order.

Genshiken Watch Order

  1. Genshiken (2004)
  2. Kujibiki Unbalance OVA (2004)
  3. Kujibiki anbaransu (2006 ).         [OPTIONAL]
  4. Genshiken OVA (2006)
  5. Genshiken 2 (2007)
  6. Ramen Tenshi Pretty Menma      (OPTIONAL)
  7. Genshiken Nidaime OVA
  8. Genshiken Nidaime
  9. Genshiken Nidaime Specials


Genshiken is a Japanese anime that tells the story of a group of students who are obsessed with otaku culture. The anime follows the club members’ everyday lives and covers cosplay, fan fiction, and video games.

Genshiken is a slice-of-life anime that provides a realistic look at otaku culture. It is often funny but also deals with some more serious themes. The characters are all relatable, and getting invested in their stories is easy.

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes