How to Watch the Transformers Movies in Chronological Order

By Jay
4 Min Read

Get ready for “Transformers: The Rise of the Beasts” hitting theaters soon. This movie, directed by Steven Caple Jr., combines Optimus Prime’s Autobots and Optimus Primal’s Maximals to take on a new threat: Unicron and his fierce Predacons.

This film is the seventh installment in the popular series and is directly inspired by the Beast Wars animated show from the late 1990s. It starts a fresh trilogy within the saga, set in the 90s and continuing the story after the events of the previous movie, “Bumblebee.”

With the upcoming release of “The Rise of the Beasts,” many Transformers fans wonder about the franchise’s timeline, especially since the last two movies went back in time.

To help you understand it all, here’s the chronological order to enjoy the entire Transformers saga:

Transformers Movies in Chronological Order

Bumblebee (2018)

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In 2018, a movie called “Bumblebee” was directed by Travis Knight and featured Hailee Steinfeld. This film is a spin-off from the main series and takes place twenty years before the events of the first Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay.

Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (2023)

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The movie, directed by Steven Caple Jr., is set in the 90s. It’s a direct follow-up to “Bumblebee,” it will bring together Optimus Prime’s Autobots and Optimus Primal’s Maximals. They team up to fight against the dangerous Predacons led by Unicron.

Transformers (2007)

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Back in 2007, the first Transformers film was released. It was directed by Michael Bay and starred Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox. This movie began the Autobots and Decepticons’ conflict on the big screen.

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009)

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In the sequel, “Revenge of the Fallen,” directed by Michael Bay, we saw Tony Todd as The Fallen, who was Megatron’s influential leader.

This time, Optimus Prime and the Autobots teamed up with a particular military group from the government to stop the chaos on Earth. The goal was to prevent the destruction of both Earth and their home planet, Cybertron.

Transformers: Dark Side Of The Moon (2011)

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In the third Transformers movie, the Autobots tried to stop Megatron and his Decepticons. They were after powerful alien technology discovered on the Moon.

This technology could enslave humanity and help them revive their home planet, Cybertron. The movie’s storyline revolves around this high-stakes conflict.

Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014)

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In the movie “Age of Extinction,” Mark Whalberg became a part of the Transformers series as Cade Yeager, a single dad, and inventor who got caught up in the long-standing fight between the Autobots and Decepticons.

The film also introduced the Dinobots, powerful robotic dinosaurs, and Galvatrona, a new form of the villain Megatron. These additions brought more excitement to the saga for fans.

Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)

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Once more, Mark Whalberg took on the role of Cade Yeager in “The Last Knight.” This movie marked the final one directed by Michael Bay and served as the last piece of the story puzzle up to that point. In the film, Optimus Prime faced an unusual twist as he turned temporarily evil due to his system’s reprogramming.

Renamed as Nemesis Prime, he set out to retrieve Merlin’s staff, a powerful artifact that could change Earth into Cybertron. This installment brought a unique twist to the saga’s narrative.

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes
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