Komi Can’t Communicate Filler List

By Jay
1 Min Read

Hitohito Tadano, who starts his first day of high school expecting to blend in with others merely, stops himself from doing that when he tries to sit next to the most attractive female in the class.

Komi is universally loved and popular despite being mysterious to her classmates. However, Komi suffers from crippling anxiety and a communication disorder that prevents her from socializing as easily as she should.

Komi was left alone in the classroom and interacted with Tadano by writing on the chalkboard. He picked up the chalk and began to write as well. Komi wanted to make one hundred friends, so he decided to help her, thus becoming her first-ever friend.

This article lists all the Komi Can’t Communicate Episodes, followed by its filler list.

Komi Can’t Communicate Filler List

Komi Can’t Communicate Episode list

1It's Just, I Wish I Could SpeakCanon
2It's Just a Childhood Friend.Canon
3It's Just Stage Fright.Canon
4It's Just a Physical./ It's just a crushCanon
5It's just a fitness test / It's just my summer uniformCanon
6It's just an unsettling feeling / It's just a study groupCanon
7It's just a library / It's just shaved iceCanon
8It's just the end of summerCanon
9It's just a part-time job ....Canon
10It's just sports dayCanon
11It's just festival preparationsCanon
12It's just the culture festivalCanon
13It's just the arrival of winter / It's just a final examCanon
14It's just a fantasy / It's just the 'I love you game'Canon
15It's just an invitation to lunch / It's just a feelingCanon
16It's just a merry ChristmasCanon
17New Year's DayCanon
18It's just ice skatingCanon
19It's just a misunderstanding / It's just a group decision for the school tripCanon

Komi Can’t Communicate Video Trailer

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes