The popular anime ‘Naruto‘ is set to debut live-action, with Lionsgate reviving the project’s development. This movie was initially announced in 2015, with the involvement of Avi Arad, co-founder of Marvel Studios and director Michael Gracey, known for ‘The Greatest Showman.’ However, the movie’s progress had stalled due to challenges with the screenplay.
Naruto Live-Action Movie Making a Comeback at Lionsgate
Michael Gracey mentioned in 2018 that they were focused on crafting a compelling script before moving forward to ensure the quality of the adaptation. Tasha Huo, a writer associated with upcoming shows like ‘Tomb Raider’ and ‘Mighty Nein,’ has taken on revising the screenplay for Lionsgate and Arad.
Although there isn’t much information available about the casting or technical team, it’s likely that Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of the original manga series, will be involved as a consultant. Michael Gracey emphasized the importance of collaborating with Kishimoto to accurately capture the essence of the series.
While the original announcement had Erik Feig as part of the project, his current involvement remains uncertain. If the project progresses as planned, the ‘Naruto’ live-action movie will join the ranks of other adaptations like ‘Death Note,’ ‘Alita: Battle Angel,’ and ‘Blade Of The Immortal.’