Mob Psycho 100 Filler List

By Jay
4 Min Read
Mob Psycho 100

Mob Psycho is anime about a guy named “Mob”, an eighth-grader gifted with psychic abilities as a child, but quickly realized how dangerous his powers were. As he struggles to control and suppress his power, all Mob can do is use his skills to impress Tsubomi. Eventually, she becomes bored of them, and Mob stifles his abilities.

To effectuate control of his skills, Mob is introduced to Arataka Reigen, a con artist who tricks Mob into exorcising evil spirits at his command in exchange for money. With this job, Mob has to exert psychic energy daily, eventually leading to him exploding in a cataclysmic event.

So if you are looking for Mob Psycho 100 Episodes, follow the filler list and check out the table below. You will find all Mob Psycho 100 Filler List as well the canons. Though there are No Reported Fillers in Mob Psycho 100 :).

Mob Psycho 100 Filler List

Mob Psycho 100 Episode List

1Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~Mixed Canon/Filler2016-07-12
2Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~Manga Canon2016-07-19
3An Invite to a Meeting ~Simply Put, I Just Want to Be Popular~Manga Canon2016-07-26
4Idiots Only Event ~Kin~Manga Canon2016-08-02
5OCHIMUSHA ~Psychic Powers and Me~Manga Canon2016-08-09
6Discord ~To Become One~Manga Canon2016-08-16
7Exaltation ~I’ve Obtained Loss~Manga Canon2016-08-23
8The Older Brother Bows ~Destructive Intent~Manga Canon2016-08-30
9“Claw” ~7th Division~Manga Canon2016-09-06
10The Heinous Aura ~Mastermind~Manga Canon2016-09-13
11Master ~Leader~Manga Canon2016-09-20
12Mob and Reigen ~A Giant Tsuchinoko Appears~Manga Canon2016-09-27
13Ripped Apart ~Someone Is Watching~Manga Canon2019-01-07
14Urban Legends ~Encountering Rumors~Manga Canon2019-01-14
15One Danger After Another ~Degeneration~Manga Canon2019-01-21
16Inside ~Evil Spirit~Manga Canon2019-01-28
17Discord ~Choices~Manga Canon2019-02-04
18Poor, Lonely, WhiteyManga Canon2019-02-11
19Cornered ~True Identity~Manga Canon2019-02-18
20Even Then ~Continue Forward~Manga Canon2019-02-25
21Show Me What You’ve Got ~Band Together~Manga Canon2019-03-04
22Collision ~Power Type~Manga Canon2019-03-11
23Guidance ~Psychic Sensor~Manga Canon2019-03-18
24The Battle for Social Rehabilitation ~Friendship~Manga Canon2019-03-25
25Boss Fight ~The Final Light~Manga Canon2019-04-01

Check out the trailer of Mob Psycho 100

YouTube video

Is there any filler in mob psycho 100?

No, there is not a single Filler in Mob Psycho 100. You can watch all the episodes of Mob Psycho 100

Will there be a mob Psycho season 3?

Yes, the third season of Mob Psycho 100 was announced in October 2021

Is there a mob Psycho movie?

Yes, Named “Mob Psycho 100 REIGEN – The Miracle Psychic that Nobody Knows “.

How many OVAs does mob Psycho have?

Mob Psycho 100 has two OVAs, but it’s difficult to find it online, as per reported users.

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes