Noragami Watch Order Guide

By Jay
3 Min Read
(image Via Studio Bones)

Stray gods, regalia weapons, and mystical conflicts between the supernatural and mortal world collide in Noragami’s modern spin on traditional Japanese lore. With two seasons, an additional side story season, and supplementary OVAs, there’s plenty of material for fans looking to dive into Yato’s quest to gather devotees.

But for newcomers, what’s the ideal Noragami watch in order to enjoy this action/comedy series and its ghostbusting god?

This guide will provide recommended Noragami order to experience the tale of the underappreciated deity Yato and his encounters with human souls in need.

Noragami Watch Order

Noragami Chronological Order

  • Noragami
  • Noragami Aragoto (Episodes 1-6)
  • Noragami OVA 2
  • Noragami OVA 1
  • Noragami Aragoto OVA 1
  • Noragami Aragoto (Episodes 7-13)
  • Noragami Aragoto OVA 2

Release Order

TV Series

  • Season1: Noragami (2014)
  • Season 2: Noragami Aragoto (2015)


  • Noragami OVA 1 (2014)
  • Noragami OVA 2 (2014)
  • Noragami Aragoto OVA 1 (2015)
  • Noragami Aragoto OVA 2 (2015)

Noragami Anime Synopsis:

Noragami follows Yato, a scrappy god without a single shrine to his name. He ambitiously dreams of accumulating millions of worshippers one day, but for now, he must post graffiti ads promising just five yen for odd supernatural jobs. Yeah, Yato’s a small fry deity scraping by on loose change from magical handyman gigs.

Yato and Hiyori as Seen in anime
Yato and Hiyori as Seen in Anime (image Via Studio Bones)

But Yato’s fortune (and popularity) begin changing after fateful run-ins with middle schooler Hiyori. First, her soul starts dangerously slipping out from her body. Then she meets Yato, who says he can fix her “astral projection” issue for five yen. Though skeptical, she takes a chance on the self-proclaimed god.

After accidentally cutting Yato and manifesting as a weapon herself, Hiyori earns an invitation to join Yato as his new “Regalia.” He gives her the name “Yukine” – now a transforming blade wielded by Yato as he finally works towards his goal of having droves of believers pray in his name one day.

So begins quite the odd dynamic between an ambitious homeless god, righteous schoolgirl, and supernatural weapon-human hybrid. Together, this motley crew handles disputes between the living and dead while providing many hilarious and heartfelt moments!

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes
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