All One Piece Arcs in Order (One Piece Sagas)

By Jay
9 Min Read
One Piece Sagas

One Piece is among the popular anime. It tells the story of Luffy, a pirate who goes after the treasure with the same name as the anime in search of becoming the next Pirate King. The first episode aired on October 20, 1999, and became a success.

Due to the many episodes and different sagas, it’s hard to know which saga is going on. So, in this article, we will check out all the One Piece sagas and One Piece Arcs in Order, even the most current, in this unique One Piece Sagas guide.

One Piece Arcs in Order

East Blue Saga

East Blue Saga
East Blue Saga

The story begins with Luffy’s childhood in East Blue Saga and the character hunting down his One Piece.

It shows the character as a child living in East Blue and early on in recruiting crew for him to hunt down One Piece and try to become the Pirate King.

East Blue Arcs

  • Romance Dawn Arc ( or Captain Morgan Arc): episodes 1 to 4;
  • Orange Town Arc (or Buggy the Clown Arc): episodes 5 to 8;
  • Vila Syrup Arc: episodes 9 to 18;
  • Baratie Arc: Episodes 19 to 30;
  • Arlong Park Arc: episodes 31 to 44;
  • Buggy’s Gang Arc: After the Battle!: episodes 46 and 47;
  • Loguetown Arc: Episodes 45 and 48 to 53;
  • Millennial Dragon Arc: episodes 54 to 61 ( filler arc )

Alabasta Saga

Alabasta Saga

In the second saga, titled Alabasta (or Baroque Works), Luffy and his crew embark on a quest to find One Piece to become the Pirate King. However, they must also help Nefertari Vivi reach her homeland before war strikes. A malicious organization will do anything to stop Luffy and his friends from reaching Alabasta.

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Alabasta Arcs

  • Reverse Mountain Arc: Episodes 62 and 63;
  • Whiskey Peak Arc: Episodes 64 to 67;
  • Coby and Helmeppo Arc: Episodes 68 and 69;
  • Little Garden Arc: episodes 70 to 77;
  • Drum Island Arc: episodes 78 to 91;
  • Alabasta Arc: Episodes 92 to 130;
  • Post-Alabasta arc: episodes 131 to 135 ( filler arc );

Sky Island Saga (Skypiea Saga)

Sky Island Saga
Sky Island Saga

In the third saga of One Piece, titled Skypieia, the Straw Hats continued on their adventure, but they quickly became involved in a war that could destroy the land of Skypiea. This was one of the arcs that had some fillers in it.

Skypiea Arc

  • Ilha dos Carneiros Arc: episodes 136 to 138 ( filler arc );
  • Rainbow Mist Arc: episodes 139 to 143 ( filler arc );
  • Jaya Arc: Episodes 144 to 152;
  • Skypiea Arc: Episodes 153 to 195;
  • G-8 arc: episodes 196 to 206 ( filler arc )

Water 7 Saga

Water 7 Saga
Water 7 Saga

In the fourth saga of One Piece “Water 7″, also known as Saga Enies Lobby or Saga CP9. This time, the pirates are already in the open sea and will face some dangers in their endeavor in the search for One Piece.

One of them is the rogue Foxy, as well as one of the three Marine Lookouts named Aokiji. Luffy needs to get to Water 7 to find a carpenter to join his crew and repair his ship.

Water 7 Arcs

  • Davy Back Fight Arc (or Long Ring Long Land Arc): episodes 207 to 219;
  • Ocean’s Dream Arc: episodes 220 to 224 (filler arc );
  • Foxy Returns arc: episodes 225 and 226 ( semi-filler arc );
  • Water 7 Arc: episodes 227 to 265;
  • Enies Lobby Arc: episodes 266 to 312;
  • Post-Enies Lobby Arc: episodes 313 to 325;
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Thriller Bark Saga

Thriller Bark Saga
Thriller Bark Saga

In the fifth Thriller Bark Saga of the anime, Luffy and the crew ended up landing on a ghost island called Thriller Bark. There, a strange character uses Luffy’s shadow to revive Oars, a legendary giant.

With the help of Brook, a skeleton, Luffy and the other Straw Hats will have to face Oars and the one who brought him back to life.

Thriller Bark Arcs

  • Lovely Earth Arc: episodes 326 to 336 ( filler arc );
  • Thriller Bark Arc: Episodes 337 to 381;
  • Spa Island Arc: episodes 382 to 384 ( filler arc );

Summit War Saga

Summit War Saga
Summit War Saga

Also known as theWhitebeard War Saga, the Marineford War marks the end of the first half of the anime. At this point in the plot, Luffy and the other Straw Hat Pirates are separated on the Sabaody Archipelago. And this is where things seem to get a little more difficult for Luffy and the others.

Marineford Arc

  • Sabaody Archipelago Arc: episodes 385 to 407;
  • Amazon Lily Arc: Episodes 408 to 421;
  • Impel Down Arc: Episodes 422 to 425;
  • Little East Blue Arc: episodes 426 to 429; ( filler arc )
  • Impel Down Arc: Episodes 430 to 456 ( post-filler continuation );
  • Marineford Arc: episodes 457 to 489;
  • Post-Marineford Arc: Episodes 490 to 516;

Fish-Man Island Saga

Fish-Man Island Saga
Fish-Man Island Saga

Also known as the Fish-Man Island Saga, it presents the plot after 2 years of the time skip. The Straw Hats are reunited on the Sabaody Archipelago and head to the New World, but for that, they need to go through Fishman Island and face some pirates that are there.

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Fish-Man Island Arcs 

  • Return to Sabaody Arc: Episodes 517 to 522;
  • Fishman Island Arc: episodes 523 to 574;

Dressrosa Saga

Dressrosa Saga
Dressrosa Saga

also known as the Pirate Alliance Saga. In this Saga, Luffy and his crew make it to the New World, but they come across an old laboratory of Dr. Vegapunk and find Caesar Clown’s illegal experiments. Luffy forms alliances and discovers a conspiracy on the island of Dressrosa.


  • Z’s Ambition Arc: Episodes 575 to 578 ( filler arc )
  • Punk Hazard Arc: Episodes 579 to 625;
  • Recovering Caesar arc: episodes 626 to 628 ( filler arc );
  • Dressrosa Arc: episodes 629 to 746;
  • Arco Minas de Prata: episodes 747 to 750 ( filler arc );

Four Emperors Saga

Four Emperors Saga
Four Emperors Saga

We come to the most current saga of One Piece, entitled Yonkou. An alliance called the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai is formed to overthrow Kaido. That’s when Luffy takes action, gets involved with a Yonko named Big Mom, and needs to embark on a mission to rescue his friend, Sanji.


  • Zou Arc: Episodes 751 to 779;
  • Supernova Marine Arc: episodes 780 to 782 ( filler arc );
  • Whole Cake Arc: Episodes 783 to 877;
  • Reverie Arc: Episodes 878 to 889;
  • Wano Country Arc: Episodes 890 to 894
  • King of Carbonic Acid Arc: Episodes 895 and 896
  • Wano Country Arc (continued): episodes 897 to 906
  • Dawn of Romance Arc/Episode: Episode 907 ( filler episode )
  • Wano Country Arc (continued): episodes 908 to 1004
  • Egghead Arc (Current Ongoing Arc)

So this is the One Piece Arc List; as of now, we have added all one-piece arcs, but as the anime proceeds, we will update the article.

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes