Fans of the iconic superhero anime “One Punch Man” have reason to celebrate as the series officially announces its third season, set to debut in 2025. The announcement is part of an ambitious “10 Punches Project” that promises to delight longtime followers and attract new viewers to the franchise.
Season 3 Details Revealed
Studio J.C. Staff, which previously animated the second season, will continue production of the highly anticipated third season. The announcement is accompanied by a commemorative visual and an exciting new trailer that has already generated significant buzz among anime enthusiasts.
10th Anniversary Celebration: “10 Punches Project”
The celebration includes multiple exciting initiatives:
Confirmed Highlights of the 10 Punches Project
- Official confirmation of Season 3’s 2025 release
- Release of a special 10th-anniversary commemorative visual and logo
- Premiere of a brand-new trailer
- Free access to the first episodes of previous seasons on YouTube
- Non-credit opening and ending videos from Seasons 1 and 2are now available
Special Musical Event Announced
A particularly exciting addition to the celebration is the One Punch Man Magic Music Festival, scheduled for September 14, 2025, at the Nerima Cultural Center in Tokyo. The event will feature:
- Live performances of anime opening and ending theme songs
- Special live concert of background music
- Live voice-acting event with key cast members
The Artistic Team and Cast
The production team includes notable talents such as:
- Tomohiro Suzuki (Series Composition)
- Chikashi Kubota, Shinjiro Kuroda, Ryosuke Shirakawa (Character Design)
- Makoto Miyazaki (Music Composition)
The musical lineup will feature prominent performers, including JAM Project, Hiroko Moriguchi, and voice actors Makoto Furukawa (Saitama) and Kaito Ishikawa (Genos).
Created by ONE as a webcomic in 2009, “One Punch Man” gained massive popularity through its digital manga remake by Yusuke Murata. The first season, animated by MADHOUSE and directed by Shingo Natsume, aired from October to December 2015 to critical acclaim. The second season, produced by J.C. Staff, aired from April to July 2019.
The series continues to follow Saitama, a hero who became incredibly powerful through a simple daily training regime, capable of defeating any opponent with a single punch. The upcoming third season is expected to focus on the “Hero Hunter” Garo, promising intense action and the unique humor that fans have come to love.
Streaming Information
Crunchyroll will continue to stream the anime in Europe, ensuring widespread accessibility for international fans.
As anticipation builds, fans can look forward to more details about the remaining “punches” in the 10th-anniversary project, which are yet to be revealed.