Ran Mouri is the main protagonist in Detective Conan. She is a high school student and the daughter of Kogoro Mouri. Ran’s desire to protect her father from any harm leads her to become involved with Shinichi, who was actually a child prodigy detective named Conan Edogawa who quickly turned into a teenager after receiving an experimental drug.
So let’s check out some of the best Ran Mouri Quotes from Detective Conan
Best Ran Mouri quotes
1. People can really change. When they’re far away from each other, their hearts will change. It’s so cruel that the only thing I can do is wait. -Ran Mouri
2. You’re always away during the important times and all you do is call. There are times when you are finally here, but then you disappear unexpectedly. Every time… every time… always, always, leaving me behind alone. What do you think I am? I love you Shinichi! -Ran Mouri
3. When people make a mistake, it is nice to give them advice, but… if they don’t listen, just leave them alone. Otherwise, you’ll do yourself a disservice by wasting your time and effort. -Ran Mouri
4. Courage is a word that gives you the strength to do what’s right, you should not use it as an excuse to murder someone. -Ran Mouri
5. Courage is a word of justice. It means the quality of mind that enables one to face apprehension with confidence and resolution. It is not right to use it as an excuse to kill someone. -Ran Mouri
So these were some of the Best Quotes by Ran Mouri which we can gather. We will Keep Updating for more.