RWBY Filler List

By Jay
3 Min Read

The anime series, RWBY, started as a web series with only 12 episodes. The show was extended to 24 episodes, but it surpassed that.

The creator of the series, Monty Oum, died in 2015 and since then there have been no more updates on the show. The show is currently at Volume 6, and it’s unknown when Volume 7 will be released.

If you’re looking for an anime series, RWBY is a good one. The story follows four girls with unique abilities training to protect the world from evil. There are thirteen episodes of filler list, but don’t worry because they will only take up a handful out of the twenty-six that the show has to offer.

RWBY Filler List

RWBY Episodes List

1Ruby RoseAnime Canon2017-07-08
2The Shining BeaconAnime Canon2017-07-08
3The Shining Beacon, Pt.2Anime Canon2017-07-08
4The First StepAnime Canon2017-07-08
5The First Step, Pt. 2Anime Canon2017-07-08
6The Emerald ForestAnime Canon2017-07-15
7The Emerald Forest, Pt. 2Anime Canon2017-07-15
8Players and PiecesAnime Canon2017-07-15
9The Badge and The BurdenAnime Canon 
10The Badge and The Burden, Pt. 2Anime Canon 
11JaunediceAnime Canon 
12Jaunedice, Pt. 2Anime Canon 
13Forever FallAnime Canon 
14Forever Fall, Pt. 2Anime Canon 
15The StrayAnime Canon2017-07-22
16Black and WhiteAnime Canon2017-07-22
17Best Day EverAnime Canon2017-07-29
18Welcome to BeaconAnime Canon2017-07-29
19A Minor HiccupAnime Canon2017-07-29
20Painting the Town…Anime Canon2017-08-05
21ExtracurricularAnime Canon2017-08-05
22Burning the CandleAnime Canon2017-08-12
23Dance Dance InfiltrationAnime Canon2017-08-12
24Field TripAnime Canon2017-08-19
25Search and DestroyAnime Canon2017-08-19
26Mountain GlennAnime Canon2017-08-19
27No BrakesAnime Canon2017-08-26
28BreachAnime Canon2017-08-26
29Round OneAnime Canon2017-09-02
30New Challengers…Anime Canon2017-09-02
31It’s Brawl in the FamilyAnime Canon2017-09-02
32Lessons LearnedAnime Canon2017-09-09
33Never Miss a BeatAnime Canon2017-09-09
34FallAnime Canon2017-09-09
35Beginning of the EndAnime Canon2017-09-16
36DestinyAnime Canon2017-09-16
37PvPAnime Canon2017-09-23
38Battle of BeaconAnime Canon2017-09-23
39Heroes and MonstersAnime Canon2017-09-23
40End of the BeginningAnime Canon2017-09-30

RWBY Video Trailer

YouTube video
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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes