Skyrim: 1,000 Hours of Playtime Leads to Unexpected Alternate Ending

By Jay
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks

Over a decade after its initial release, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim continues to surprise players with hidden quest outcomes and gameplay nuances. A recent discussion on Reddit has brought to light a lesser-known resolution to the “The Blessings of Nature” quest, showcasing the game’s enduring depth and complexity.

The quest, which tasks players with helping Danica Pure-Spring save the ancient Gildergreen tree in Whiterun, apparently has an alternative peaceful resolution that many players were unaware of.

According to Redditor Fizzet713, who shared their discovery after nearly 1000 hours of gameplay, players can obtain a new Gildergreen Sapling and save everyone in the Eldergleam Sanctuary by interacting with an NPC named Maurice Jondrelle.

This revelation sparked a flurry of responses from other long-time Skyrim players. Some, like VRHobbit, mentioned discovering this outcome years ago, while others expressed surprise at learning about this option after multiple playthroughs.

The discussion highlights the game’s intricate design and the continued engagement of its player base. Even after countless hours exploring the vast world of Skyrim, players are still uncovering new aspects of quests and storylines.

Initially released in 2011 for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, Skyrim has since been ported to multiple platforms, including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. It’s also available to Xbox Game Pass subscribers at no additional cost.

As players continue to share their experiences and discoveries, the anticipation for The Elder Scrolls VI, the next installment in the series, continues to build among the fanbase.

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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes