12 Strongest Sternritters in Bleach

Otakukan Team
10 Min Read

In the final arc of Bleach, Ichigo Kurosaki finds himself locked in battle against the Sternritter, an elite group of Quincy determined to overthrow Soul Society and reshape reality as part of Yhwach’s grand scheme.

The Sternritters were initially formed a thousand years ago to invade and conquer Soul Society, and they have returned to fulfill their mission once more. Selected Quincy undergo a ritual involving drinking Yhwach’s blood, after which they are assigned a title based on the alphabet, representing their unique abilities.

Derived from the German term “Knight of the Stars,” these Sternritters possess powers akin to those of the Gotei 13 Captains, often surpassing them in strength. Their primary objective is to eliminate the Shinigami.

Each member of the Sternritter participates in the ritual by imbibing Yhwach’s blood. This allows Yhwach to embed a fragment of his soul into each Sternritter, symbolized by a letter designation that grants them their distinctive powers.

AAntithesisUryu Ishida
BTheBalanceJugram Haschwalth
CThe CompulsoryPernida Parnkgjas
DThe DeathdealingAskin Nakk Le Vaar
EThe ExplodesBambietta Basterbine
FThe FearÄs Nödt
GThe GluttonsLiltotto Lampard
HThe HeatBazz-B
IThe IronCangdu Iron
JThe JailsQuilge Opie
LThe LovePePe Waccabrada
MThe MiraclesGerard Valkyries
NRobert Accutrone
OThe OverkillDriscoll Berci
PThe PowerMeninas McAllon
QThe QuestionBerenice Gabrielli
RThe RoarJerome Guizbatt
SThe SuperstarsMask De Masculine
QThe ThunderboltsCandice Catnipp
uThe UnderbellyNaNaNa Najahkoop
VThe VisionaryGremmy Thoumeaux
WThe WindNianzol Weizol
XThe X-AxisLille Barro
YThe YourselfLloyd Lloyd
YThe YourselfRoyd Lloyd
ZThe ZombiesGiselle Gewelle

Strongest Sternritter Sequence in Bleach

So, here are 12 of the strongest and most remarkable Sternritters in the series Bleach:

12. As Nodt

As Nodt

Despite wielding a Powerful thorn spirit weapon, Nodt’s true prowess lies in instilling boundless fear in those struck by it.

Even a single wound from her weapon is enough to evoke a profound sense of terror. Victims are consumed by doubt, lose all rationality, and are haunted by the shadows of their deepest fears.

This terrifying ability, known as “The Fear,” has the potential to directly lead to death, particularly for those who are mentally vulnerable.

11. Quilge Opie

Quilge Opie

Quilge Opie may rank in the middle of the Sternritter, but he possesses various weapons and abilities.

Dubbed “The Jail,” he can summon a prison-like energy bubble capable of ensnaring opponents, a particularly advantageous tactic when facing multiple adversaries.

Furthermore, Quilge has showcased Quincy’s capability to disintegrate nearby spiritual energy and assimilate it. He even absorbed Ayon, a formidable Hollow, utilizing this technique.

With his versatile skills and Voll Stern Dich’s ability, Quilge Opie emerges as a flexible and innovative combatant.

10. Bambietta Basterbine

Bambietta Basterbine

Bambietta possesses the unique ability known as “The Explode,” enabling her to generate bombs at her discretion.

Her technique poses a significant challenge to counter or defend against, as she doesn’t simply create and hurl Reishi bombs. Instead, any Reishi in her vicinity becomes a bomb, detonating upon command.

With her creative application of this ability, Bambietta proves to be an extremely formidable adversary.

9. Candice Catnipp

Candice Catnipp

While Bambietta may appear as the leader, Candice stands out as the most powerful and formidable female Quincy among the Sternritters.

Candice engages in a brief but intense battle with Kenpachi and even confronts Ichigo, delivering powerful blows. She effortlessly blocks Ichigo’s Getsuga Tenshō and withstands the Getsuga Jujisho, despite losing her left arm.

Her unique ability lies in generating and projecting potent lightning. With her Quincy: Vollständig ability, Candice can manifest wings of lightning, which she can unleash and wield as a sword.

8. Pernida Parnkgjas

Pernida Parnkgjas

Pernida Parnkgjas serves as the left hand of the Soul King and bears the letter C, representing “The Compulsory.”

As a member of the Schutzstaffel, it stands among the most formidable Sternritters.

Conventional attacks prove futile against this monstrous entity, as demonstrated by Kenpachi’s efforts. Its intelligence evolves based on the information gathered through its nerves.

Mayuri appears to be the only one capable of defeating Pernida, possibly due to its requirement for unlimited regeneration.

7. Lille Barro

Lille Barro

Lille Barro’s strength is off the charts, earning him a spot in the Schutzstaffel, the elite class of the Sternritter.

His abilities allow him to pierce through virtually anything, effectively rendering himself invulnerable.

When he activates his Vollstandig, his power reaches an unprecedented level, and even if he’s defeated, he comes back even stronger in a godlike form.

However, there’s a way to defeat him: by reflecting his own power back at him. Fortunately, Nanao possesses a weapon capable of doing just that.

6. Bazz-B


This Sternritter goes by “H,” representing “The Heat,” and his ability revolves around controlling fire.

He’s highly skilled in using fire as a weapon, employing it in various ways during battles. Even when facing off against Captain Hitsugaya, he demonstrated remarkable prowess, showing restraint in his attacks.

The Sternritter gauges his strength by the number of fingers he utilizes in combat, ranging from one to five. Surprisingly, he posed a significant challenge to the Captain even with just one or two fingers. This indicates his exceptional proficiency as a Quincy.

5. Askin Naak Le Vaar

Askin Nakk Le Vaar

Askin Naak Le Varr is a Quincy associated with Yhwach’s Sternritter, holding the designation “D” for “The Deathdealing.”

He stands out as the sole Sternritter promoted to the Schutzstaffel.

Askin’s unique ability enables him to calculate an “absolute lethal dose” of any substance he consumes. By adjusting the levels of the substance in his body, he can lethally poison his opponents based on his dosage manipulation.

4. Uryu Ishida

Uryu Ishida

Uryu Ishida is a key character in Bleach, and the initial Quincy revealed in the series.

Like Ywach, he bears the title “A” and possesses a unique ability known as Antithesis. Ywach even suggests that Uryu has the potential to surpass him.

Uryu’s Antithesis ability is highly advantageous, making him a formidable opponent. He can select two targets and completely reverse any events between them. For instance, if Uryu sustains serious injuries, he can reverse the outcome between himself and his adversary, simultaneously healing his wounds while inflicting harm upon his opponent.

3. Gremmy Thoumeaux

Gremmy Thoumeaux

This Sternritter is immensely powerful, so much so that some of his fellow Sternritters consider him a dangerous monster who should be restrained.

Known as “The Visionary,” he can manifest anything he imagines into reality.

With such an incredible power, the possibilities are limitless. Gremmy could even heal himself from serious injuries simply by envisioning perfect health.

Even the formidable Kenpachi Zaraki was pushed to his limits, needing to use his Shikai to defeat Gremmy. After the battle, Kenpachi was left too drained to confront anyone else.

2. Gerard Valkyrie

Gerard Valkyrie

For a while, it seemed like nothing could defeat this powerful Sternritter.

This Sternritter is a muscular, blonde-haired man who bears the letter “M” for “The Miracle.” His unique ability makes him even stronger after being defeated in battle.

He’s known for his miraculous comebacks and can transform into a titan-like form that even Toshiro Hitsugaya had trouble overcoming.

It took multiple Captains working together to defeat this formidable opponent for good finally.

1. Jugram Haschwalth

Jugram Haschwalth

Haschwalth is Yhwach’s right-hand man, a fiercely loyal member of the Sternritter with the same powers and privileges.

As the Sternritter Grandmaster, Haschwalth even serves as a substitute for Yhwach when the latter is asleep. He holds a high letter, “B,” representing “The Balance.”

In battle, Haschwalth wields a powerful sword rather than a bow and arrow. His strength allows him to absorb and redirect injuries, which he sees as a way to balance luck and misfortune. This ability makes him nearly unbeatable in combat.

This information summarizes Haschwalth’s role as one of the Sternritter members in the series “Bleach.”

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