Tamako Market Watch Order

Jay By Jay 2 Min Read

Tamako Market is a Japanese anime television Show Made by Kyoto Animation, Headed by Naoko Yamada, and Also Composed by Reiko Yoshida. The show aired in Japan between January 10 and March 28, 2013. The anime was licensed in North America from Sentai Filmworks.

This article will help you by listing the Order to Watch this anime. So follow the Tamako Market Watch Order listed below if you want to watch this anime in the proper order.

Tamako Market Watch Order

1.Tamako Market

Tamako Market

  • Title:  Tamako Market
  • Original Run: Jan 10 – Mar 28, 2013
  • Episodes: 12 episodes × 23min

2.Tamako Market (Specials)

Tamako Market Specials

  • Title: Tamako Market
  • Original Run:  Mar 20 – Aug 21, 2013
  • Episodes: 6 episodes × 4min

4.Tamako Love Story

Tamako Love Story

  • Title: Tamako Love Story
  • Release Date: Apr 26, 2014
  • Episodes: 1 (Movie)


Tamako Kitashirakawa, a clumsy, cute teenage woman, belongs to a family of mochi bakers with a quaint store known as Tama-ya.


In the afternoon, Tamako stumbles on a talking bird that introduces himself as royalty in the remote land. Dera Mochimazzi, as he calls himself, states he’s looking for a bride for his nation’s prince.

According to his assignment, Dera follows Tamako’s house and develops a dependence on mochi, getting painfully obese and then unable to return to his homeland; consequently, he takes up residence with Tamako’s household and becomes the city’s beloved mascot.


Meanwhile, the Tamako’s buddy, Mochizou Ooji, conceals his true feelings for her. Their dads are ferocious mochi competitions, but is it sufficient to push a wedge between Tamako and Mochizou? And just what will happen to Dera’s job of locating his prince’s destined bride?

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By Jay
I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes