The Familiar of Zero Watch Order

By Jay
2 Min Read

Zero no Tsukaima, also known as “The Familiar of Zero” or “Zero,” is a Japanese light novel series written by Noboru Yamaguchi and illustrated by Eiji Usatsuka.

There are 6 novels in the series, with the first volume published on November 10, 2002. The story follows a young girl named Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, who attends a magical academy to become an accomplished witch.

So if you have any plans to watch this anime now or later, do follow The Familiar of Zero Watch Order listed Below:

The Familiar of Zero Watch Order (Zero no Tsukaima Watch Order)

  1. The Familiar of Zero
  2. The Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons
  3. The Familiar of Zero: Rondo of Princesses
  4. The Familiar of Zero: Rondo of the Princesses OVA  (Optional)
  5. The Familiar of Zero F

Studio J.C. Staff-created The Familiar of Zero series, adapted from a manga by Noboru Yamaguchi and drawn by Eiji Usatsuka.


The Familiar of Zero

Louise Zero is a mage at the Trista Academy of Magic. She cannot use her magic properly, resulting in zero success. Louise gets 0% on her test and needs to summon a “familiar spirit” who is her partner and servant.

She ends up summoning an average Japanese boy named Satoshi (Saito). They are unwilling to accept each other but have no choice, so their life together begins.

Where to Watch the Familiar of Zero

The availability of “The Familiar of Zero” across streaming platforms varies by region and season. Here’s where you can watch it:

  • Amazon & Amazon Prime
  • Crunchyroll   (Due to Licencing Issues, it’s not available in many regions. You can try with VPN if that Works for you)
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I’m Jay, and. I’m an Engineer and Web Developer. I write about everything, from anime to Tech. Completed Watching 500+ Animes